This section will tell you how to build kernel image from source code. To use BSP package without spending too much time on building source code, there is a pre-build kernel image located under EVK\Kernel_Image\.
Then the kernel source will be located at Linux_BSP_Kernel_Source_0.02.tar.gz. The ANDROID_3.0.8 directory contains the source code.
Copy all the files under the sub-folder \BSP\Frame_Buffer_Driver\ANDROID_3.0.8_VE\ to your corresponding kernel tree folder and start to build the Linux kernel.
How to build 3.0.8 kernel source
To use the default configurations, type the following command:
make VAB-600_Linux_defconfig
If there is no VAB-600_Linux_defconfig, copy it from /BSP/Kernel_Source_Codes/ to ${Kernel_Source}/arch/arm/configs/
To modify the unique configurations, input this to enter the menu with the graphic user interface:
make menuconfig
After selecting particular options, now it is time to build the kernel image:
make ubin CROSS_COMPILE=arm_1103_le- -jX
X is the number threads to build the kernel image, depend on the efficiency of your host PC. Generally choose twice the number of the available CPU cores. For example, a quad-core CPU should sustain -j8.
As shown in Figure 1, it takes a few minutes to get the kernel image, uzImage.bin.
Figure 1: Building the kernel
The uzImage.bin is located at ANDROID_3.0.8.
How to make clean the kernel source
Clean the kernel source and it will clean all the built binaries in ANDROID_3.0.8:
make clean