This chapter will describe the features supported by VAB-600 Android evaluation image and how to evaluate these features.
To evaluate the multimedia features, you can install the following APK from \EVK\tools\apks\.
Configure the Settings->Ethernet in Android system to enable the VAB-600 on-board Ethernet function.
When the application requires display of full screen, the system bar on the bottom area will be automatically hidden. For how to write an Android application that can display full screen, please refer to Android official website or the following website:
VAB-600 Android BSP supports launching adb daemon when starting Android OS. Once the Android OS has completed booting and network is correctly configured, you can use adb to connect VAB-600, as mentioned in section 4.4.
SD card and USB devices including input devices (mouse and keyboard); as well as storage devices (flash or hard disk), are both supported.
The BSP cannot identify more than one USB flash/hard disk.
SmartETK provides a set of APIs for the Android application to access the services provided by VAB-600 hardware. The SmartETK for VAB-600 supports the following features:
WatchDog: a timer helps the application/system to recover from dead circle or breakdown. When it is set, it will reboot the system if no “Feeding dog” signal is received.
RTC Power On: provides auto Power On feature by setting RTC auto wake up timer.
Programmable GPIO: provides high level interface for the applications to control the low level GPIO.
Serial Ports: provides serial port communication capability for Android applications.
All the features can be examined through the demo application SmartETK_sample.apk. The home UI of “SmartETK_sample.apk” is shown as Figure 1.
Figure 1: Smart ETK sample app screenshot
Click “RTC” to enter its UI as shown in Figure 2. Follow the steps to test RTC function.
Figure 2: Smart ETK RTC Power On example screenshot
Click “WatchDog” to enter its UI as shown in Figure 3. Follow the steps to test WatchDog function.
Figure 3: Smart ETK WatchDog example screenshot
Click “GPIO” to enter its UI as shown in Figure 4. Follow the steps to test GPIO function.
VAB-600 provides eight GPIO pins. Test GPIO function by using SmartETK_sample.apk.
There are two modes in the SamrtETK sample application.
Figure 4: Smart ETK GPIO example screenshot
Click “Serial Ports” to enter its UI as shown in Figure 5. Follow the steps to test serial port function. VAB-600 supports UART 2 and external EXAR 4-channel USB to serial device.
Use SmartETK_sample.apk to test the UART function.
Figure 5: Smart ETK Serial Ports example screenshot